Reitmans stores Nova Scotia

View all the Reitmans stores in the province of Nova Scotia

Use the map and results below to work out where your closest Reitmans store is

Simply pick a store from the results to see the store's location and hours, or you can drill down to your preferred area in Nova Scotia by searching in the search box with a specific town or post code

Select store:
(20.06 miles)
store map pin
166 Wade Road, Smart Centres Truro, Truro, NS, B2N 0C7

(35.27 miles)
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77 Hector Gate, Dartmouth Crossing, Dartmouth, Halifax, NS, B3B 0B8

(35.42 miles)
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85 Damascus Road, Bedford Commons, Bedford, NS, B4A 0C2

(35.86 miles)
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50 Tacoma Drive, Tacoma Plaza, East Darmouth, Dartmouth, Halifax, NS, B2W 3E6

(36.11 miles)
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21 Micmac Blvd., Mic Mac Mall, Dartmouth, Halifax, NS, B3A 4K6

(38.58 miles)
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5201 Duke St., Scotia Square, Halifax, NS, B3J 1N9

(39.54 miles)
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689 Westville Rd., Highland Square, New Glasgow, NS, B2H 2J6

7001 Mumford Rd., Halifax Shopping Centre, Halifax, NS, B3L 2H8

(41.53 miles)
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212 Chain Lake Drive, Halifax Bayers Lake Centre, Halifax, NS, B3S 1C5

(64.87 miles)
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54 Silver Fox Avenue, Granite Drive Plaza, New Minas, NS, B4N 0E4

(65.23 miles)
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133 Church St., Antigonish Mall, Antigonish, NS, B2G 2E3

(85.95 miles)
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20 Pine Grove Rd., Pine Grove Road, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 4H5

(89.13 miles)
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963 Central Ave., Greenwood Shopping Centre, Greenwood, NS, B0P 1N0

(93.35 miles)
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47 Paint St., Port Hawkesbury Mall, Port Hawkesbury, NS, B9A 3J9

(157.56 miles)
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116 King St., North Sydney Mall, North Sydney, Sydney, Cape Breton, NS, B2A 3R7

(158.43 miles)
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262 Prince Street,, Sydney Shopping Centre, Sydney, Cape Breton, NS, B1P 5K6

(160.79 miles)
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800 Grand Lake Road,, Mayflower Mall, Grand Lake Road, Sydney, Cape Breton, NS, B1P 6S9

(170.54 miles)
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Sterling Road, Sterling Mall, Glace Bay, Cape Breton, NS, B1A 3X2

(170.93 miles)
store map pin
130 Starrs Road, Starrs Road Plaza, Yarmouth, NS, B5A 4E5