Sobeys stores New Brunswick

View all the Sobeys stores in the province of New Brunswick

Use the map and results below to work out where your closest Sobeys store is

Simply pick a store from the results to see the store's location and hours, or you can drill down to your preferred area in New Brunswick by searching in the search box with a specific town or post code

Select store:
(39.72 miles)
store map pin
273 Pleasant St, Miramichi, NB, E1V 1Y7

(43.74 miles)
store map pin
2485 King George Hwy, Unit 27, Bridgeview Plaza, Miramichi, NB, E1V 6W6

(47.19 miles)
store map pin
463 Brookside Dr, Fredericton, NB, E3A 1A3

(49.23 miles)
store map pin
407 Regent St, Fredericton, NB, E3B 4X6

(50.57 miles)
store map pin
1150 Prospect St, Fredericton Mall, Fredericton, NB, E3B 3C2

(53.72 miles)
store map pin
375 Miramichi Rd, Oromocto, NB, E2V 4T4

(64.44 miles)
store map pin
138 Main Street Suite 5, Gateway Mall, Sussex, NB, E4E 3E1

(68.97 miles)
store map pin
1380 Mountain Rd, Moncton Mall, Moncton, NB, E1C 2T6

(71.27 miles)
store map pin
77 Filles de Jésus Ave, Moncton, NB, E1A 9G9

(71.66 miles)
store map pin
55 Vaughan Harvey Blvd., Moncton, NB, E1C 0N3

(72.48 miles)
store map pin
477 Paul St, Champlain Place, Dieppe, Moncton, NB, E1A 4X5

(72.5 miles)
store map pin
1160 Findlay Blvd, Riverview, NB, E1B 0J6

(72.54 miles)
store map pin
501 Regis St, Dieppe, Moncton, NB, E1A 1Y2

(75.79 miles)
store map pin
370 Connell Road, Carleton Shopping Mall, Woodstock, NB, E7M 5G9

(76.75 miles)
store map pin
1125 St. Peter Ave, Bathurst, NB, E2A 3A1

(77.93 miles)
store map pin
183 Main St, Shediac, NB, E4P 2A5

(80.83 miles)
store map pin
140-142 Hampton Road, Box 4787, Rothesay, NB, E2E 5X5

(87.2 miles)
store map pin
519 Westmorland Dr, Saint John, NB, E2J 3W9

(87.76 miles)
store map pin
3701 Westfield Rd, Grand Bay, Grand Bay-Westfield, NB, E5K 4V3

(88.98 miles)
store map pin
149 Lansdowne Ave, Saint John, NB, E2K 3A1

(91.09 miles)
store map pin
1 Plaza Ave, Saint John, NB, E2M 0C2

(102.71 miles)
store map pin
140 Roseberry Ave, Campbellton, NB, E3N 2G9